Why would you need a root canal?

The stages and considerations for a root canal treatment

Root canal treatments are dental procedures designed to save teeth that have been severely damaged, infected or inflamed.

While the term ‘root canal' may evoke anxiety, modern advancements in endodontics and dental instruments mean that the procedure is both highly effective and totally painless. In the interest of informing our clients and dispelling myths, this page will explore the purpose, procedure and aftercare of this essential procedure.

To discuss your needs further and ascertain if you need a root canal as a private client, you can book an initial appointment with our endodontist in Doncaster here.

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What Are Root Canals?

Although there are different types of treatments, some more complicated than others, a root canal (or endodontic) procedure is used to treat infection in the centre of a tooth, under the hard layer of enamel.

This can be the difference between a tooth recovering, needing to be extracted or, worse, an infection spreading to surrounding teeth or even into the jawbone.


Why would you need a root canal?

The most typical reason for a root canal is infection or damage to a tooth's pulp (The bundle of nerves and blood vessels at the very centre).


Some of the warning signs that you may need a root canal include:

Persistent and severe tooth pain, especially when chewing or biting

Increased sensitivity to hot or cold food

Tooth pain following a crack or a chip to a tooth, which may have exposed the pulp to bacterial infection

Noticeable discolouration of a tooth

A swelling of the surrounding gums




What is the root canal process?


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An in-depth consultation is carried out before any treatment takes place to determine if a root canal would be the best course of action. This includes a visual assessment of the tooth and potentially X-rays to determine the extent of the infection or damage.


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A local anaesthetic is administered to numb the area around the tooth and ensure your root canal is a pain-free experience.



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A small opening is created in the tooth (and the gum in some instances) to access the infected or damaged pulp chamber and root canals.




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Your endodontist will use specialised instruments to carefully excise and remove the infected or damaged pulp. If an abscess is present then this will be drained.



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The tooth's canals are cleaned and disinfected to dissolve any remaining bacteria or infected tissue.



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The canals are then filled with a biocompatible material to seal the tooth and prevent further infection. A temporary filling may be required.






tooth with inflamed roots in jaw

What should I do after my root canal?

You may find that your tooth is sore after the treatment, with a more severe infection or inflammation correlating to more sensitivity.

You will need to schedule a follow-up appointment with your regular dentist for a permanent restoration solution, such as a crown; the sealant used in the root canal procedure is intended as a temporary solution.

This should be completed in a timely manner – The longer you leave this, the higher the chance of reinfection or fracture of the remaining tooth tissue.

‘This should be completed in a timely manner- The longer you leave this, the higher the chance of reinfection or fracture of the remaining tooth tissue'

Aside from this, we recommend the following general aftercare steps:

  • Avoid hard, sticky or chewy foods
  • Resume your usual oral hygiene routine, but take care around the treated area
  • Avoid consuming excessively hot or cold foods





How much do root canals from our endodontist in Doncaster cost?

  • Initial Consultation - From £55
  • Incisor and canines -  From £400
  • Premolar - From £500
  • Molar - From £600

Please note there will be a supplementary charge of up to £100 for a re-treatment.

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